Attached is amazing innovation in Israel, May our Yshua have mercy on the survivors and families of the heinous attack in the synagogue and many receive Him in the midst of this horror> Only Y'shua can break through and reveal Himself and supernaturally comfort them. IS. 40:1, Comfort your people, O God.
John 14:1, 27 Only God. Love and hugs of blessings to all of you.
Prepaired Ministries.
Hi delightful friends,
I know you have a heart for Israel. This is amazing news from my homeland. In the midst of all the upheaval there God is so merciful in many ways.
For many years I spent hours at Hadassah Hospital assisting the victims of terror and their families, if you have not been to the facility it is like a city on a hill. Behind the walls are challenges beyond words, medical, emotional, life and death situations from the very young to the very old.
This insight is so beautiful of the Lord using our people yet again with innovations to save lives no matter the back ground or creed. Following is an excerpt I just received.
I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.– Genesis 12:3
A Country the Size of New Jersey “Israel is becoming a world leader in medical Artificial Intelligence (AI),” The New York Times declared last week.
“There are dozens of new health care start-ups in a country that has a population just shy of New Jersey’s,” The Times continued, in its series of articles on nations leading the AI field.
If there’s any doubt Israel uses its technology to bless beyond its borders, consider the story of Musa, a Muslim Palestinian baby who received a Jewish Israeli baby’s heart at a Tel Aviv hospital.
“There were several miracles associated with this complicated surgery,” said Dr. David Mishaly, chief surgeon at Sheba’s Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery Unit. “By a twist of fate – a miracle – Musa, was able to receive the new heart from a Jewish child, whose parents had agreed a few hours earlier to donate the heart.”
In April, The Tower reported that an Israeli-based international nonprofit organization received the 2018 United Nations Population Award for its “mission of improving the quality of pediatric cardiac care for children in developing countries and creating centers of competence in these countries.”
According to The Tower, the work of this single Israeli organization “saved the lives of more than 4,400 children from 58 countries in Africa, South America, Europe, Asia and throughout the Middle East, and trained more than 100 medical team members from these countries.”
That’s just one of many Israel-based organizations committed to making a difference through God’s blessing of advanced technology.
This is my note: when I was living there and at the hospital daily assisting families, I was witness to the above, Palestinians and others in the units getting care. Israel’s core is a zest for life no matter the back ground.
I long to be back in Jerusalem, in the meantime if the Lord is speaking to you to bless Israel, please send offerings and I will send to ministries I know that truly use the gifts to assist the needy.
Prepaired Ministries;
P O Box 482
Guilderland, NY 12084