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Writer's pictureMERILEE KOSS

SING A LITTLE LOUDER, February 26, 2019

Updated: Apr 1, 2020

HI Dear Ones,

This is a note regarding the powerful DAY OF MOURNING held here in Albany, NY on Saturday, February 23rd to protest the murderous Reproductive Health Act that Gov. Cuuomo signed that allows late term abortion, even a little one born alive to then be killed!

And so thousands came to this event in protest of this and it was held at the state capital in a place called THE EGG, if you look it up it is a huge symbol of half a egg on its’ side. How prophetically , pathetic profound. And the auditorium was directly below the legislative building where the heinous bill was signed.

I titled this brief note SING A LITTLE LOUDER, as it was a brochure handed to me in Israel depicting the horror of victims on trains in Germany on their way to the gas changers hanging out of windows crying for help. There was a church very near the tracks that heard their cries and said, SING A LITTLE LOUDER, basically so their cries were drowned out.

We must cry out for these precious lives. Proverbs 24;11,12 “Deliver those who are drawn away to death, those who totter to the slaughter, hold them back from their doom. If you profess ignorance and say, behold we did not know this, does not He Who weighs and ponders the heart perceive and consider it? And He Who guards your life, does not He know it? And shall note He render to you and very man according to his works. So for the little ones, may we say as it does in Psalm 22:31” they shall come and shall declare His righteousness to a people yet to be born, that He has done it , that is is finished! “ May we hold their yet unseen precious hands in our hearts and bring them forth and cradle them in the amazing love of our Jesus.

The event featured a series of Christian speakers and anti abortion advocates, The speakers painted the issue as a moral crisis facing the nation and called on Christians of all denominations to protest outside of abortion clinics, or killing centers , as they are described by Elizabeth Johnston, a pro-life advocate and event’s main speaker.

One of the speakers was Blythe Mullen, an 8 year old girl whose mother decided against abortion after an unplanned pregnancy and put her up for adoption, she was there with her adoptive wonderful mother, Jessica. Blythe spoke with an anointing, I don’t think there was a dry eye in the place. Adoption is a beautiful option that must be offered more and more.

Did you know that there was celebrating for the passing of this bill and in NYC they celebrated the execution of babies by lighting up the World Trade Center in pink. NYC had the highest rate of abortion in 2015 of 92, 000. Who was among them, a Bach, An Einstein, a Billy Graham. When will Rose v Wade be overturned?

We know dark will get darker, evil called good. Where is the fear of God in the world, in the church.

May we put on our walking shoes and praying hearts and set a standard and walk these death camps for babies and be loving and kind to those we encounter to cherish life and give them a choice and opportunity to make a difference, we can help them with adoption or take them home, or find a safe place for both.

Someone said their pastor didn’t attend because they don’t want to be political! Really! How about life and death?

May God arise in us first and we walk out His plans to be a heart extended. We can make a difference, it only took one Moses, one Elijah, one Esther, and the ONE AND ONLY JESUS. You an make a difference. Pray,,,,

Song of Solomon 2:12, 13, “ The flowers appear on the earth; the time of singing of birds has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land, The fig tree puts forth and ripens her green figs and the vines are in blossom and give for the their fragrance. ARISE MY LOVE MY FAIR ONE AND COME AWAY.”

ARE YOU READY… THEIR VOICES ARE CRYING OUT, AND WE CAN SEE THE JOY ONE DAY OF SOME OF THESE PRECIOUS , hearing a bird song, feeling the wind on their faces, having their first ice cream, being hugged with love.

On we go, please do S.I.T. Stay in Touch,

From my heart with love we walk with each other for purpose.

Merilee, 518-378-1033

P O Box 482G

Guilderland, NY 12084

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