Luke 15:10b “I tell you there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”
Hi again dear friends,
Well, it was a wonderful gift upon returning from a week away to be back with the PRECIOUS ONES. Holy Spirit is so gracious in directing our steps.
I first noticed sweet Roma , roaming around no pun intended, and put my arm in hers and we walked to the chapel together with others following us.
There was a new man there, Bill, I went to talk with him before starting teaching and asked if he knew Jesus, when he said I am not sure. I asked him to pray with me and Ida, (the sweet lady that sings and is coherent and moves in the spirit). Glory to God he received our Jesus.
The week before I went away there was a new man, Patrick, who was dropped off by his family. But he met the Lord as well. I have not seen him since.
This past Wednesday there was another new lady in a wheel chair, Anna, 99 years young. I asked her if she knew Jesus in her heart and she very clearly said, “YES.” Glory to God.
I share with them THE BREAD OF FACES AGAIN. Which is the Show bread of His presence, assuring them that we are always in His presence at His table to partake of His goodness and mercy. And the story of the lad with the loaf and fishes, unnamed, but had the supply for multitudes. The lad had no idea that the bread of all life was breaking the bread to distribute to the disciples and as they walked it was multiplied and the supply never ran out. It just took one at the right place at the right time to give all he had for the others.
So, I shared with them that they may have a kind word, or hug for someone that would encourage them to do the same. It just takes one to make a difference.
As you are directed by Holy Spirit please join me for God’s will in another opportunity to be a per deim chaplain at a hospital here. It is a rather lengthy process, this possible door just opened. I believe it is the Lord for a season. Teaching the precious ones is a voluntary assignment God opened.
For now I send love hugs and prayers of blessings, May he watch over His Word to perform in your life and Ephesians 3:20 be manifested.
Merilee Koss Prepaired Ministries PO Box 482 Guilderland, NY 12084 kindly receiving LOVE offerings Email Merilee