That Is what she said, “I walked this out following HIM!” And that is what Esther did
Are we willing at all costs to FOLLOW HIM? He is the scepter of righteousness that Esther carried into the chamber of the King to trust he would accept her plea for her people and discern the plots of Haman (Satan) Anti Semitism.
During this joyful feast of freedom and deliverance there are celebrations world wide by Jews, While I was living in Jerusalem, the sound of music, singing, laughter and joy dressed the atmosphere with new garments of praise for what the Lord had done and is doing.
Are we ready? Ready to give our lives as a living sacrifice, Romans 12:1, 2. That is our worship as we yield to our Y’shua in prayer and obedience and praise.
And so we go on in and with Him, FOLLOWING HIM. Trusting, walking with God, and He will make a way. In Isaiah 26:20, come into my chamber. His door is always open as we FOLLOW HIM.
I heard those words, Follow Him from my own precious daughter some years ago when I asked her how she walked through the pain and seizures as they escalated for years and had a five percent chance with brain surgery to stop the unpredictable seizures. She had half her brain removed and has a titanium plate in her lovely head. She never once complained before or after, ever, not a hint of sorrow or complaining. One day some years after this I asked her how she walked this out with such amazing grace, she said , “FOLLOWING HIM.” I just cried and hugged her, this brave young mother in the hands or her Beloved Jesus, An amazing example of leaning on Him at all costs.
So, Esther FOLLOWED HIM into the Kings chamber for us against all odds and this one MADE A DIFFERENCE FOR JEWS EVERYWHERE.
One can make a difference, so can you. Ephesians 2:10 “For we are His MASTERPIECE, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared before hand that we should walk in them.”
I have attached a brief study on PURIM
, it is quite amazing how Jesus hid His plans from the anti semites.
Please when you have time check out web site:
And of course S.I.T. Stay in Touch
Hugs and blessings always,
P o Box 482
Guilderland, NY 12084