PREPAIRED MINISTRIES, March 24, 2012, (originally and partially written, today is April 8, 2020)
BREAD OF FACES, Passover, our Triumphal Entry
It is amazing to me that on the exact date that this study was written was the same date but in 1983 in Houston, Texas a van and car hit me as I was walking across a five lane road to a business meeting. (And within a week of writing the original message I was diagnosed with a very rare aggressive cancer, having 2 to 4 months to live.) But God. The SHOWBREAD of Life, our Passover Lamb of God – Y’shua Ha Mashiach, appeared to me in a blazing cloud of glory in the emergency room as I was dying. I am Jewish and we never mentioned the name of Jesus in our home. And yet, I had a revelation of the Showbread of life, and from my heart to His heart said, “I know that was you, Jesus, and you were holding my head and I know that is why I am alive and will accept whatever it is you want of my life.” In silence I spoke to my Beloved, my Spiritual eyes were suddenly opened ONE MOMENT IN TIME to partake of His loveliness and start to know my Jewish Messiah, our Passover Lamb. I have never looked back to my previous life, only to Y’shua the author of all life. His table was set before Me and I partook of Jesus’ silent invitation to recognize the eternal lover of my soul. “There I will meet with you and, from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubim that are upon the ark of the Testimony, I will speak intimately with you of all which I will give you in commandment for the Israelites.” Exodus25:22 As we look at the word SHOWBREAD one of the Hebrew derivatives is BREAD OF FACES. “And you shall set the showbread (the bread of Presence or Divine presence) on the table before Me always. “Exodus 25:30. In the Divine Presence is where all supplies, material and spiritual come. Y’shua is the SHOWBREAD always with His table prepared before us THE BREAD OF FACES. He has prepared the table for us to enjoy His best. Jesus’ life giving Word, the SHOWBREAD of eternity has given us His Word which is above His Name, that is our strength, our victory and joy. He is waiting to meet with us at His Passover Table. All Israel prepared to run with the unleavened bread which had not risen yet. The matzo, striped in symbolism of His finished work at the Cross for healing, body, soul, and Spirit. The unleavened BREAD OF FACES, which He prepared for the multitudes to make an escape for His purposes. This is the day for Jesus to meet us by appointment and this is the appointed place and way. He has prepared the way. This is the day for Memorials, the days of double miracles. Our Y’shua knew our faces before the world was formed. Psalm 139:15, 16> It is time to take our seats (Ephesians 2:6) and partake of the Bread of His Divine Presence, this MOMENT IN TIME. Passover is upon us now, a magnificent reminder of our Passover Lamb’s shed blood that is alive and protects us moment by moment. “ And we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of our Testimony.” Revelation 12:11 We serve an awesome Lord, what is your testimony? He gave His life for you and I, that is enough to celebrate forever, eternity is ours Now. Our TRIUMPHAL ENTRY WAS PREPARED before any activity on earth, to bless us with the entry to His city in our hearts and one day soon truly in eternity forever. The unnamed lad had an appointment at an appointed place, ONE MOMENT IN TIME. In His Presence is all that is needed One Moment at a Time.” Now the Passover, a feast of Jews was near. Then Jesus lifted up His eyes and seeing a great multitude coming toward Him, He said to Philip, Where shall we buy bread, that these may eat?” Andrew said to Him, “ There is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two small fish, but what are they among so many?” Jesus said, “Make the people sit down.” John 6:4, 5, 9, 10a. The disciples did not understand that the Bread of the Presence of the sent One was distributing the bread to them as they walked to bring sustenance to the BREAD OF FACES, made in the image of Y’shua. In His divine presence all is supplied in every area of life. The multitude rested. Every step the disciples took the supply was multiplied, one step at a time. The lad gave it all; unaware that the BREAD OF LIFE was the distributor who had given him the meager supply that He multiplied. THE SHOWBREAD. “I am the bread of life. I AM the living bread which came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; the bread that I shall give is My flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world.” John 6:48, 51 We are the BREAD OF FACES before Him, life everlasting as we feast in Yshua’s living Word. “You prepare a table before me (us) in the presence of my(our) enemies. You anoint my (our) head with oil, my(our) brimming cup runs over.” Psalm 23:5 “You have made known to me(us) the ways of life; You will enrapture me(us) diffusing my (our) soul with joy with and in Your presence” Acts 2:28 As we walk and live and move and have our being in Y’shua allow Him to show you the hearts of those that need to be seated at His table where they can join the BREAD OF FACES that know Y’shua the BREAD OF LIFE, THE BREAD OF THE PRESENCE. Jesus wants to unwrap His gifts at this table that presents the SHOWBREAD, the giver of all life. “And a river of fire was pouring out, flowing from His presence, millions of angels ministered to him; many millions stood to attend him, then the court began its session and the BOOKS WERE OPENED. “Daniel 7:10, Daniel continued watching, as we should as the books God keeps records for basis for his judgement. In Malachi 3:16, “Then those who feared the Lord spoke with each other and the Lord listened to what they said. IN His presence a scroll of remembrance was written to record the names of those who feared him and always thought about the honor of His name.” Even when we are chatting on the phone about Him, a record is kept. BREAD OF FACES are always before Him, may many more join us at His table and PASSOVER INTO ETERNAL LIFE. This is our PASSOVER LAMB, Revelation 5:11, 12, “Then I looked again and I heard the voices of thousands and millions of angels around the throne and of the living beings and the elders. And the sang in a mighty chorus: Worth is the Lamb who was slaughtered to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing. Revelation 20:11: 12, 15 (please read the other verses as well) “Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose FACEE the earth and the heaven fled away. And there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and BOOKS WERE OPENED. And anothere book was opened, which is the BOOK OF LIF. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books. And ANYONE not found written in the BOOK OF LIFE was cast into the lake of fire.” I ll end with these verses, 1 Peter 1:6-9, “ In this you greatly rejoice , though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ , whom having not seen you love. Though now you do not see Him, yet believing , you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, receiving the end of your faith, THE SALVATION OF YOUR SOULS.” Let’s pray that Holy Spirit anoint our spiritual eyes to see those in and around us daily who can join us and the BREAD OF FACES and PASSOVER INTO THEIR TRIUMPHAL ETERNITY into eternity’s future with our PASSOVER LAMB, All for His glory. With loving hugs always and blessings, FOR His GLORY, Merilee
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Merilee Koss
PO Box 482
Guilderland, NY 12084; USA
Our Passover Lamb knew us when He, the SHOWBREAD, went to the Cross that ONE AMAZING MOMENT IN TIME and said “IT IS FINISHED.”
So, we would never walk alone.
Check out Andre Rieu, on You Tube, YOU WILL NEVER WALK ALONE. So very powerful. (friends I am not sure this link will open, but it is worth going to You Tube.
Merilee Koss Prepaired Ministries PO Box 482 Guilderland, NY 12084 kindly receiving LOVE offerings Email Merilee